Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Cisco MARS 6.0.3 Now Available

Cisco have released MARS version 6.0.3

Miscellaneous Changes and Enhancements

The following changes and enhancements exist in :

Credential Automation—Save administrative time by updating many Cisco device credentials in a single operation rather than touching each device definition in MARS. Using a seed file to re-import devices that are already defined in MARS, users can update some credentials for Cisco ASA, Cisco PIX, Cisco IPS, Cisco IOS, and Cisco Switch devices.

Actionable Incident Notification—This enhancement helps customers decide on the importance of a notification without having to log into MARS. The MARS syslog, e-mail, and SNMP incident notification messages provide incident summary information as well as Top 3 reports. The incident summary will include the rule ID, rule name, incident ID, incident start/end time and incident severity. Top 3 reports include Top 3 destination ports, Top 3 reporting devices, and Top 3 event types.

Improved Reporting Response Times—This enhancement improves response times of commonly used reports by retrieving event data from memory rather than from the database.

Exported/Archived Configuration Validation— This enhancement ensures that you do not attempt to restore or upgrade a system using a corrupted configuration file. After exporting or archiving a configuration file, MARS scans the file to make sure it is not corrupted.

New Device Support

The 6.0.3 release of MARS supports the following new device versions:

Cisco IPS 6.2 (backward compatible mode)

You can view the release notes HERE.


Anonymous said...

Trying to upgrade via GUI from csmars- to, but get one the following error messages:

"Upgrade csmars- failed. Failed to pass the version dependency test. "


"Upgrade csmars- failed. Upgrade package acquisition error."

Parameters: MARS 100E (Protego)
Tried to upgrade directly from Cisco or local FTP.


Belabacsi from Budapest, Hungary

Unknown said...

I get the same response trying to upgrade.. any help would be great.

i had recently done an upgrade and had some problems getting the 4x config to fully inport into the 6x version. the hostname needed to be manually updated from the command line.

Anonymous said...

I have exactly the same problem. Did you find a solution to fix it?



Anonymous said...

I have this problem when I want to upgrade multiple patches.
Solution, upgrade to 6.0.1 then reboot.
Upgrade to 6.0.2 then reboot.
Upgrade to 6.0.3 then reboot and continue in this way.-